
W. Looks World-Class Compared to Hayseeds from Illinois!


Satire By John W. Lillpop

OK, so maybe President George W. Bush was not the most polished president to represent America on the world stage. Perhaps he was a little rough around the edges from time to time, and, yes, he found proper English to be an avoidable distraction on many an occasion.

Still, say what you will about W. and his gracious wife Laura , the fact is that, in hindsight, the Bushies look sophisticated and worldly compared to the antics carried out by that naive couple from Illinois.

To begin with, Michelle Obama apparently mistook the Queen of England for that dead common creature, Queen Latifah of America.

Armed with that misconception, Michelle mugged Queen Elizabeth in a horrifying example of how organized labor in America can ruin everything from an automobile industry to a proper education.

If that faux pas were not egregious enough, the president himself committed an act of treason grave enough to warrant an immediate impeachment inquiry if only Dennis Kucinich could be convinced to drop his ongoing vendetta against W.:

Obama bowed before the King of Saudi Arabia!

Rumors are that Obama mistook the king for an ACORN volunteer and was merely expressing his gratitude for the voter fraud success that allowed Obama to hijack the White House.

Nonetheless, can you imagine the reaction if W. had bowed to the same figure?

"Bow for oil!" would have been in the headlines for days, if not weeks, had the "prostrating" president been a Republican rather than a Marxist liberal with friends in the mainstream media.

With President Obama, the offending gesture is thus understood to be religious in nature.

A bonding between Muslim brothers as it were!