Satire by John W. Lillpop
May 5th enjoys a special place in the hearts of Mexican illegal aliens in America. From taking over the streets of major cities to demand "rights" to which they are not entitled, to unruly brawls, Cinco de Mayo captures the true spirit of Mexico and the invading Mexican.
However, this May 5th brings with it news of a major health issue that might put a damper on the party mood of even the most thirsty and dedicated invader.
Indeed, the swine flu crisis may cause more than a few illegal aliens to think twice before gathering in huge crowds to protest the rule of law, the inconvenience caused by that pesky U.S. border, and other racist measures that get it the way of the Reconquesta objective.
Thinking twice is not all that common among illegal aliens, which is why they are so well suited as potential Democrats, and is why this Cinco de Mayo may be a golden moment in the braceros of East Los Angeles and other U.S. soil occupied by foreigners.
From the perspective of this American patriot, I say, "Let the show go on as usual!"
Let millions of illegal aliens take over the street of Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, and New York City.
Let them march with their Mexican flags while screaming "Amnesty Now!"
Let them carry their "Yes, we can!" banners in Spanish as they wind through the street of San Francisco and other Sanctuary Cities run by dim wit liberals more concerned about trolling for Hispanic votes than doing what is right for America.
Let them hold a Cinco de Mayo parade with Janet Napolitano perched appropriately on the lead float to keep an eye out for vets, tax protesters, "right wing extremists" and other dangerous Americans.
Oh, and by the way, while these third-world renegades are gathered so conveniently, why not send in the INS and a battalion of medical doctors to test for the swine flu?
Why not "stimulate" the U.S. economy by hiring unemployed American citizens to load infected aliens into buses, cabs, cars, and other means of transport, and to drive said vehicles back to the Mexican border, where they will be unloaded to the care and attention of Felipe Calderon?
That would be a grand way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo Day while working to stimulate the economy and protect the health of American citizens!
And who knows, by May 5th President Obama may have stopped bad-mouthing America long enough to appoint a Surgeon General. One who pays his or her taxes and is capable of understanding the swine flu!
Happy 5th of May!