Satire by John W. Lillpop
In a moment of insightful truth, conservative columnist William Safire once provoked a fire storm when he accused then co-president Hillary Clinton of being a “congenital liar."
Safire's column did not set well with Bill Clinton, whom threatened to punch Safire on the nose, were if not for the fact that he (Bill Clinton) was the elected half of the manacled duo.
Other Clintonistas rushed to Hillary's defense by objecting to the word "congenital," which means inherited or a medical condition existing at birth. Egged on by Hillary herself, defenders pointed out that Hillary's ongoing feud with truth did not commence until after she was introduced to, and paired with, Slick Willie.
Slick Willie called that a "damnable lie" and threatened to punch Hillary on the nose, were it not for the fact that it was Easter Sunday and he had an urgent appointment in the Oral Office with Monica Lewinsky right after church.
This rancid page from American history (best forgotten) springs up because Secretary Hillary Clinton appeared before Congress and, during the course of her testimony, cast dispersions of the veracity of former VP Dick Cheney.
As reported, in part, at
"Hillary Clinton returned on Wednesday to her former place of business, Capitol Hill, and offered a sometimes testy review of her first three months as Secretary of State.
"The topics of discussion before the House Foreign Affairs committee ranged from the $900 million in aid pledged to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to Dick Cheney's claim that classified documents prove the Bush administration's interrogation methods on suspected terrorists yielded vital intelligence
"Well, it won't surprise you that I don't consider him a particularly reliable source of information," Clinton said of the former vice president."
Mind you, this from the mouth of the presidential candidate who, during the heat of the 2008 campaign, claimed that ducking sniper fire while invading Bosnia for hubby bubba made her battle tough and ready for that 3 am call on the Red Phone.
Unfortunately for the one time "inevitable queen," a CBS reporter, who had accompanied Hillary on her Bosnia trip in 1996, unearthed a clip of video that totally debunked her "dodging sniper fire" campaign rhetoric.
As reported at the
"As has now been conclusively established by video film and news photographs, Hillary Clinton did NOT come under sniper fire in Bosnia in March 1996 when she made a morale-boosting visit to U.S. troops enforcing the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement. But she is taking plenty of bullets for her over-dramatic accounts of the trip, and acknowledged on Monday that she had made a "misstatement." She said it should be treated as a "minor blip."
From that same report, this, in part:
"U.S. Air Force journalist Don Jackson was standing on the back of a flatbed pick-up truck filming the event when Clinton's plane touched down. Here is his account:
Mrs. Clinton arrived to a flight line full of well-wishers, both military and civilian, accompanied by her staff as well as comedian Sinbad and singer Sheryl Crow who were there to entertain troops.
To set the record straight, there was no enemy fire, and no imminent danger. If there had been any danger, "well-wishers" would not have been allowed on the tarmac, much less allowing me to stand above everyone else on the back of a truck.
And Sinbad and Sheryl Crow would've been running for their lives instead of taking the time to be interviewed by yours truly, on the tarmac. Mrs. Clinton's [claim] is a lie, plain and simple."
Bottom line: When it comes to the raw truth, Hillary Clinton appears to be uniquely unqualified to critique anyone's "reliability as a source of information!"