Satire by John W. Lillpop
During the campaign that got America into the awful mess we now face, then VP candidate Joe Biden remarked that paying higher taxes was the patriotic thing to do.
Forget supporting our troops or standing behind the president in the war on terror.
Don't need no stinkin' American flag in one's lapel, or silly pledge of allegiance, to prove that your veins are filled with red, white, and blue blood
Those who really care will gladly pay higher, higher, and highest taxes, according to Joe Biden.
As luck would have it, the VP recently announced a terrific new opportunity to show one's patriotic fervor.
As reported, in part, at
"Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. announced last month that Social Security beneficiaries will get one-time $250 stimulus bonus payments beginning in May.
"He didn't mention that he will be one of the recipients.
"The annual tax returns for Biden and his wife, Jill, released last week, show he began collecting Social Security benefits in 2008. He became eligible for full benefits in November when he reached age 66."
Given his obsession with enriching the U.S. Treasury with his own money (in the name of patriotism), when will Biden announce that he has returned his stimulus check, and that of his spouse, to the government?
In fact, to show just how patriotic he really is, why doesn't Biden refuse all of those monthly social security checks? Surely, he does not need the money.
Go ahead, Joe, make America's day by becoming the nation's "Higher Taxes Are Cool!" surrender monkey!