By John W. Lillpop
Hispanics are a "overly served" demographic group that costs American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year to create and issue all manner of government information, election ballots, driver's license testing, etc. in the foreign language known as Spanish.
Go to any municipal court in California, for example, and you will almost always find a Spanish translator at the ready to tell Jose that he is in deep dodo for yet another domestic violence incident alleged by his spouse.
Jose should be told in simple Spanish: El drunko no es bueno, loco dude! Adios!
Unfortunately, Jose will probably be defended by a Spanish- speaking attorney at taxpayer expense.
California's election ballots are at least twice as costly as need be because the state wastes time and money producing Spanish versions.
Reasonable proposals to curtail and reverse illegal immigration are bitterly contested by La Raza and other Hispanic advocacy groups whose sole objective is to increase the number of Hispanics in America.
Hispanic extremists care not one whit for what is best for America as long as the race is pandered to and fed, housed, educated, and provided medical care, regardless of whether or not the individuals involved are here legally or not.
Truth be told, this is really racial profiling on steroids.
The result is an unfair, disproportionate, and unconstitutional undermining of America's language and culture paid for by American taxpayers.
This must not stand!
My proposal: All people with Hispanic surnames should be assessed a fifteen- percent Spanish Language Utility Tax to cover the added burden that some Hispanics bring to American taxpayers.
And why not?
If government can discriminate against people who are successful and prosperous (rich) and who, by the way, already pay most of the taxes in America, why shouldn't government impose higher taxes on who cost this nation hundreds of billions of dollars each year because of their language deficiency?
Are you listening, President Obama? This may be a breakthrough idea to tame the trillion dollar deficits you are creating.
Spanish Language Utility Tax! America needs it now!