
Did They Elect an U.S. President or UN Ambassador?

By John W. Lillpop

November 4, 2008 seems so very long ago, and yet given the behavior of one Barack Obama, one must ask: Just what in the hell were 69 million Americans thinking when they voted for this man?

Radio talk show host and writer John Ziegler provides an excellent insight into the mindset of those who voted for Obama in his documentary,"Media Malpractice" * in which the wholesale and disgusting ignorance of Obama voters is exposed.

Still, one wonders what is it that they thought they were voting for?

When you punched a hole next to Obama on your ballot, madam, were you intending to cast a vote for what used to be the most respected and powerful position is the world, that of United States president?

Or were you meaning to send a person of color to represent America in that din of inequity known as the United Nations where snakes, whore mongers and anti-American thugs congregate to demand more money from the U.S. Treasury while blasting America as the most anti-peace, hostile nation on the globe?

Regardless of what voters intended, Barack Obama has decided that his victory included a "mandate" to make America subservient to the UN.

Which is why our Marxist president abandoned his post in the Oval Office in order to heap praise and glory on the most corrupt institution on American soil, excepting only DNC headquarters.

With the "good war" in Afghanistan turning very bad on his watch, with the economy lying in ruins because of his "stimulus" failures. with Homeland Security disassembled in order to placate a few left wing extremists, with the national debt completely out of control, and with illegal aliens threatening to further destroy American language and culture, just how is that Obama saw fit to waste a full day in the same building where renegades like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Muammar Gaddafi were welcome?

And who is the comedian on Obama's speech writing staff whom wrote the line urging the UN to be less anti-American?

How in the hell can the man who is the most anti-American leader on the planet lecture anyone about toning down anti-US rhetoric with any degree of sincerity?

It is nearly as ludicrous as Obama lecturing against the evils of tobacco and the cigarette industry while sneaking a puff on an unfiltered Pall Mall once the cameras have been turned off.

How in the world can sane Americans be expected to take 1,200 more days of this?
