
Gearing up for 2010: ACORN Activates Voter Fraud Network

ACORN Worker Searches for More Omaba Votes!

Burning Satire By John Lillpop

Contrary to earlier, false reports the bodies and remains of 27 dearly departed at a east coast Memorial Chapel were NOT evicted by the property owners.

In fact, it has been determined that the dead were actually stolen by Team Obama ACORN workers who intend to use their names, addresses, and social security numbers in order to register for the 2010 midterm elections.

Its all a part of the aggressive "Get out the Vote" campaign put in place by Barack Obama, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and other voter fraud specialists.

The objective is to register enough dead people to offset the tsunami of anti-Obama fever that has Democrats alarmed about their prospects for holding on to Congress next year.

Other DNC "Get out the Vote" initiatives include registration drives in so-called Sanctuary cities where illegal aliens prosper, and in Northern provinces of Mexico itself.

ACORN is looking for Spanish-speaking volunteers to travel to Mexico to register citizens (of Mexico!) for Obama.

Finally, Team Obama has dispatched ACORN voter fraud experts to Hospices all around the nation in a last ditch attempt to secure at least 90 percent of the dead, and or nearly dead, people of color demographic!

Reaction by the GOP was swift and vocal: Said a RNC spokesperson, "this sort of voter fraud really burns my ass!"

Well said!