
New American Truth: White Men Can't Jump, Black Men Can't Govern!

Satire by John W. Lillpop

In the 1992 movie titled, "White Men Can't Jump" the assumption that white men lack the athleticism of their black brethren when it comes to basketball was the basis for a very entertaining and funny film.

Seventeen years later, America has elected the first African-American as president. Although Barack Obama has only been in office for slightly over eight months, his record of incompetence, poor judgment, and lousy associates have already rendered him a failure and the earliest lame duck in U.S. history.

In both foreign and domestic matters, this president has failed to inspire or lead, and has refused to get out of the way so that those whom can lead are able to do so.

Even left wing nut ball Ralph Nader sees through the Obama charade, reportedly referring to the Fallen Messiah as "Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous and overwhelmingly concessionary." *

To which we would add secretive, insecure, paranoid, truth-adverse, and just a real commie stinker!

All of which means there is a fundamental new truth in America, one brought about by the elevation of a bright and articulate African-American to a position of responsibility beyond his abilities.

The new truth: White Men Can't Jump, Black Men Can't Govern!
