
Jimmy Carter, Anti-Semite, Sees Racism in Obama Foes

By John W. Lillpop

Former President Jimmy Carter has joined a legion of liberal colleagues and mainstream media types who have deliberately sought to muddy the waters with the R word when it comes to defending the failed presidency of one Barack Obama.

In doing so, Carter risks further alienation of an increasingly skeptical American electorate.

For example:

Outraged when an U.S. President berates American policies and leaders while on foreign soil? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Against closing GITMO and other foolish steps taken to dismantle homeland security measures, that have kept America safe for eight years? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Opposed to continued government funding of ACORN and other voter fraud whore mongers? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Oppose illegal aliens and their corrosive impact on American life? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Oppose a socialized medicine scheme that will add trillions to the national deficit while deserting the elderly at their most vulnerable? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Oppose wasteful spending in the name of stimulating the economy? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Oppose mortgaging the future of our children and grand children with reckless policies that add nine trillion dollars to the national deficit? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Outraged when a U.S. President, without knowing the facts involved, accuses a white police officer of acting "stupidity" for arresting a black intellectual? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Opposed to gutting national defense at a time when the world is becoming more and more dangerous by the day? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Oppose government take over of private enterprise by an U.S. President who has never held a responsible job in the private sector in his entire life? YOU ARE A RACIST!

Oppose higher taxes and bigger and less efficient government? YOU ARE A RACIST!

On and on it goes with Carter and the mainstream media who suddenly realize that Obamamania is a Kool-Aid brand that the American people are no longer gulping.

On the other hand, do you hate the state of Israel and Jews in general? Welcome home, brother!

Most Americans are waking up to the fact that our government has been taken over by a sinister mob of leftist tyrants who have no regard or respect for the traditions and culture that have made this the most successful nation in human history.

That surprise development is playing havoc with the minds of liberals like Jimmy Carter and has such folks scrambling for the protective cover of the R word.

However, this time the left is due to be treated to most poignant teaching moment: The American people have been "gamed" long enough, and are no longer vulnerable to the typical barrage of R attacks.

Because of abuse and fraud, the R word is no longer a viable assault weapon in American political wars.

In fact, those who resort to it are, in effect, admitting defeat in the war of ideas!