By John W. Lillpop
Other than a few million free loaders and scam artists, mostly illegal aliens, just who in the hell is driving the mad, mad rush to ObamaCare?
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says it will not reduce health care reduce costs, but will, in fact, actually add a trillion or so to the mushrooming Obama deficit.
Doctors and other medical professionals generally oppose the Marxist take over of a huge part of the economy.
Nancy Pelosi opposes it because it is too conservative without a public option.
Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller is against it because of what he sees as a huge tax on the middle class.
Count Majority Leader Harry Reid as a NO! vote because it will just not work in Nevada.
Charles Rangel is concerned that ObamaCare does spend enough taxpayer money, which would be a greater sum if this bloated bad egg would just pay HIS taxes.
Howard Dean, former DNC chair, is concerned that the trillion-dollar baby does not address tort reform.
Tens of millions of seniors fear that ObamaCare would trash Medicare and eliminate other care to seniors in order to pay for this monstrosity.
Upwards of two million thinking Americans marched through Washington, D.C., last week to protest, among other things, the abomination called ObamaCare.
A majority of Americans disapprove of ObamaCare.
So, again, who supports this ghastly excess except for lawyers like John Edwards, illegal aliens, far left elitists, and unemployed end-of life- counseling professionals?