By John W. Lillpop
According to President Barack Obama the "big tent" inclusiveness of the Democrat party should NOT be so wide as to include the biggest diversity twofer in all of America.
That would be Governor Paterson of New York state whose twofer credentials include his race (black) and vision (he is blind).
As reported at, in part: +
"The New York Times reported on Sunday that the Obama administration is worried Paterson's unpopularity could drag down New York's Democratic members of Congress and the Democratic-controlled state legislature in November 2010 elections.
"Citing an administration official, the Times reported that Obama's request that Paterson step aside was put forward by his political advisers, but approved by the president."
Much to his credit, Governor Paterson is balking at marching orders delivered from on high in Washington, D.C. , and is betting that his vision for America prevails over that over that of the Fascist- in- chief now occupying the Oval Office.
Said the governor from the same reference (+), in part:
"I am running for office," Paterson told reporters at a Manhattan parade. "I'm not going to discuss confidential conversations," he said, adding that he planned to continue focusing on matters related to the financial crisis"
Way to go, governor! Keep focusing and you might actually see something worthwhile, like the writing on the wall or the hypocrisy of Barack Obama.
Meanwhile, the president and his gang of tax cheats and Unconstitutional czars had better focus on Obama's own unpopularity going into the 2010 elections.
Indeed, the decline and fall of Obamamania could drive Democrat rascals like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Chris Dodd into forced retirement and restore sanity to the legislative branch of government!