
Camelot Would Be Appalled

By John W. Lillpop

Just 141 days ago, the world believed that the torch of Camelot had been passed from the disciples of John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama. Today, the world recognizes that Obama is more like Jimmy Carter than JFK.

141 days ago, Barack Obama had Republicans backed against a wall and all but defeated. Today, Sarah Palin and the GOP are saying "told ya!" as Obama's programs make matters worse.

141 days ago, much of the world assumed that Barack Obama was far too brilliant and blessed to make a mistake. Today, the world knows that Obama is headed in the wrong direction on terrorism, the economy, health care, immigration, taxes,GITMO, the auto industry, and all other issues in which he has meddled.

141 days ago, Barack Obama was hailed as a technological wunderkid, the man who ended the reign of the boomer generation with his knowledge and use of the Internet, and all manners of high tech gadgets. Today, the world knows that Obama is incapable of using even the most simple, low-tech vetting tools to screen out tax cheats.

141 days ago, Barack Obama was seen as a beacon of hope for CHANGE throughout the world. Today, the world knows that the greatest need for immediate CHANGE is in the Oval Office and the man in charge there.

141 days ago, the world believed that an inexperienced community organizer with charisma and a great smile was just what the world needed. Today, the world realizes that being clean and articulate is not even close to being good enough!

All things considered, Camelot would be appalled!
