Why Is Homophobia Tolerated in a Liberal, But Condemned in a Conservative Christian?
By John W. Lillpop
Donald Trump's recent decision to leave Carrie Prejean in possession of her Miss California title and crown was more than a victory for free speech. It also exposed the un-American hatred, lack of tolerance, and hypocrisy of some despicable characters in the gay community when it comes to the question of same sex marriage.
As Trump correctly pointed out about Prejean's response to the rigged question by gay judge Perez Hilton, “It's the same answer that the president of the United States gave,” Trump said. “She gave an honorable answer. She gave an answer from her heart.”
The burning question: Why does the gay community attempt to tar and feather Carrie Prejean for her "honorable" answer, while wallowing in Obamamania?
After all, homophobia is homophobia, right?