
Can Speaker’s Gavel Be Pried from Nancy Pelosi Without Using Force?

Satire by John W. Lillpop

In just a few short weeks, Republican John Boehner, Speaker-elect of the U.S. House will face what, in all likelihood, will be the most formidable challenge during his career in adversary politics.

For come early January, Boehner must devise a clever, non-violent, or at least minimally violent, way to wrest the Speaker’s Gavel from the wrinkled, old hands of Nancy Pelosi, who will in January be the deposed Speaker of the House and notorious as the nanny-granny from San Francisco.

The challenge to the Speaker-elect will be so enormous that the weepy-prone gentleman from Ohio may wind up stuck in a state of perpetual crying, all because of over exposure to the antics and insanity of Nancy Pelosi.

Does that sound like a bit of an exaggeration? If so, please remember that:

*This is the same Pelosi who was adamant that Democrats would retain majority status in the House, and who continued to gush with confidence in that belief even as every poll and pundit on the planet warned of an unprecedented route;

*This is the same Pelosi who despite the crushing defeat of fellow Democrats on November 2 vehemently denied that the election was in any way related to her far-left policies or brazen disregard for the will of the people;

*This is the same Pelosi who refused to listen to members of her own party when they urged her to abandon her ill-conceived pursuit of a leadership role in the new Congress, opting instead to further burden her party with the bitter partisanship that she is infamous for;

*This is the same Pelosi who, despite the fact that President Obama was personally involved in negotiating the Bush tax cuts with Republicans, had the temerity to schedule a House vote on extending tax cuts only to those earning less than $250,000 a year, an act that undercuts Obama’s stated willingness to compromise.

Perhaps an earth-to-Pelosi shout out is called for, along the following lines:

ATTENTION Nancy Pelosi: Your party LOST the November elections. The time has come to lift your head out of the fog and accept the fact that you are now in the minority!