
What about Joe Sestak, Mr. President?

By John W. Lillpop

Next Sunday is Father’s Day in America as the nation takes time to recognize the vital role that fathers play in preserving the family unit upon which our society and culture is based.

This American citizen joins millions of others in wishing President Obama a very Happy Father’s Day!

Besides being Father’s Day, June 20th marks the 17 month mark of the Obama presidency.

Regardless of how one rates Obama’s performance in office, there can be no question that his “plate” is full--and then some!

What with the Gulf oil crisis, untamed unemployment, a phantom economic recovery, out of control federal spending and “unsustainable” deficits, the ongoing war on terror or whatever the battle against Islamic extremists is called these days, Iran’s relentless march toward nuclear weaponry, looming disaster in the middle-east as Israel struggles to survive, more looming disaster in the Korean Peninsula as the Koreas rattle their respective rhetoric and sabers, wars and partial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the invasion of America by millions of penniless, unskilled, non-English speaking aliens, etc.

To top it off, in less than five months Americans will vote in mid-term elections, the results of which could dramatically alter the Obama agenda and presidency.

Then the president has personal responsibilities as a husband to Michelle and father to his two precious daughters.


What a heavy burden you bear, Mr. President!

Even an experienced and otherwise qualified man or woman would find the presidency to be an incredibly complex, formidable challenge.

With such a heavy load, it’s a wonder that Obama has the energy or time to squeeze in a few hoops now and again.

Or to cavort with an over-the-hill, uniformed, foreign Beatle with the audacity to belittle a former U.S. president while in the White House;

Or to fly hither and yonder in an attempt to save the careers of Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, and other Democrats on the brink of being retired against their will by an angry electorate.

Despite all of these items on Obama’s plate, I believe it is essential to the integrity of our Democracy to pose the following question that may have fallen through the crack what with everything else going on.

That question, simply: What about Joe Sestak, Mr. President?