
When Did People’s House become a “Self-Executing Slaughter House”?

By John W. Lillpop

There was a time in American history when the U.S. House of Representatives was fondly known as “The People’s House” in recognition of the fact that House members were closest to the needs and interests of their local constituents.

It was a term of endearment, one that seems especially out-of-place these days given the bizarre behavior of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and most Democrats.

Indeed, under the irresponsible and reckless leadership of Speaker Pelosi, terms such as “self-executing” and “slaughter house” are being used to describe the procedural maneuvering and sleight-of-hand pranks that Democrats are resorting to.

The issue is said to be about health care reform, but, in fact, the machinations and unseemly legislative contortions are all about saving face for the most arrogant and out-of-touch president in the nation’s history.

As disgraced former CBS news anchor Dan Rather recently commented, the Obama mystique from a year ago has completely dissipated, and now the man is not capable of selling watermelons, much less a trillion dollar, deficit-busting attack on the best health care system in the world.

ObamaCare is so distasteful to so many people for so many reasons that Democrats have decided to ignore the U.S. Constitution, most American citizens, all Republicans, and established rules in order to pass the most onerous bill ever conceived.

Even then, there is no certainty that the House will pass--whatever that term is deemed to mean—any health care reform legislation any time soon.

Once again, Democrats have over reached and willfully destroyed any opportunity they might have had for moderate change.

In that sense, “self-executing slaughter house” is a most apt label for Nancy Pelosi’s battered House of Representatives!