
Urgent Need to Counter One Million Calls from Moon Bats!

By John W. Lillpop

From behind enemy lines, came this missive concerning health care reform:

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Jen O'Malley Dillon, Democrats.org"
To: John lillpop
Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 1:47:33 PM
Subject: Fwd: One million calls
John --

We've been fighting for health reform for decades. Now it's within reach.

Democratic senators across the country are currently fighting hard alongside the President to pass reform. They deserve our appreciation. Others are still trying to score partisan points rather than stand up for American families -- and they need to understand that their constituents demand better.

Please read the email below and help us hit one million calls to Congress since August in support of reform today.



My response:

"Democratic senators across the country are currently fighting hard alongside the President to pass reform"

Really? Nelson? Lieberman?

Did you hear Howard Dean's rant--he called for scrapping the monstrosity in the Senate?

Nancy Pelosi says she hopes to have a bill in Obama's Marxist hands before the SOU!

Face it--health care is dead. As is global warming.

Prepare for your return to minority status.