
Arnold Right about SF Being Flooded, Wrong About Why

Satire by John W. Lillpop

Just in time to bring his scientific background and famous name to the ClimateGate scandal, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has unveiled a map of the future that shows a dramatic end to the water shortage crisis in San Francisco.

As reported, in part, at dailymail.com (1):

“A map of how California will be affected by climate change in the future was unveiled yesterday by state governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“The map, which demonstrates the devastating effects of global warming in just a century, shows how San Francisco Airport would be completely underwater if sea levels were to rise by 150cm (60in).

“The coastline on the map was also coloured, highlighting how nearly half a million Californians are at risk from rising sea levels.”

While the governor’s map has some marginal entertainment value, it fails to accurately reflect WHY San Francisco will be submerged in water in just another short 100 years.

Namely, given the debauchery and rampant unholiness in this din of inequity, the Lord will have no choice but to deliver another Great Flood, this time to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah by the Bay.

The remedy?

Forget recycling, paper versus plastic bags, the war on automobiles, and all of the other green nonsense, guv. Instead, clean up the mess in the Castro district and watch the waters on your map recede back to normal levels.

A word of caution: Cleaning up the sins of the City may solve the flood danger, but unless the liberal knot heads in Sacramento sober up and deal with overspending, the entire state will be washed away in a sea of red ink in a matter of months!

(1): http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1232884/Arnold-Schwarzenegger-unveils-dramatic-climate-change-map-shows-flooded-San-Francisco-future.html#ixzz0Ylr05cRN