
All I Want for Christmas Is--

By John W. Lillpop

My two front teeth are doing quite well, thank you.

What I really want for Christmas over the next 12 months:

*US troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, but only when America has finished the job by defeating the enemy!

* Veto-proof, conservative majorities in both chambers of Congress

*An apology-free year from the “sorriest” president in US history, unless he decides to atone for his own arrogant “acts of stupidity”

*Defeat of ObamaCare and its death panels, funding for abortions, coverage for illegal aliens, and devastating impact on the deficit

*Election of Sheriff Joe Arpaio as governor of Arizona

*Permanent reassignment of Janet Napolitano to the place in North America furthest from any US border

*An end to Obama’s “government by czars” scheme

*No new programs for stimulus or bail out waste and fraud

*Honest “jobs created and saved” numbers from the White House

* Less sympathy for those who are in homes they are not qualified to own, and more sympathy for middle class taxpayers who always end up paying the bill

*Dismantling of the global warming myth that has produced the greatest scientific hoax in history

Oh, and by the way Santa, I have been especially nice this year—so pony up with the goods, pal!