
How Would Senator Barack Obama Vote?

By John W. Lillpop

Pretend for a moment that George W. Bush had pushed legislation that would reform health care and provide insurance for 30 million people, not necessarily Americans, without coverage.

Suppose also that W.’s plan contained the following “flaws” from the liberal perspective:

( ) No “robust” public option

( ) Restrictions on abortion rights, even if just slightly

( ) Was seen as a gift to health care insurers

What sort of reaction would have W.’s plan have drawn from Democrats in the U.S. House and Senate?

In particular, how would the young, bright and very liberal junior senator from the great state of Illinois have reacted?

Would Senator Obama have gritted his teeth and rallied behind W. in order to advance the common good?

Would Senator Obama have used his legendary oratory skills to encourage liberals to set aside petty partisan bickering long enough to bring hope to the unwashed masses, even if it meant enhancing W.’s image?

Or would Senator Obama withhold his consent until an appropriate concession was forthcoming for the good people of Illinois? Perhaps getting W. to agree to shutdown GITMO in order to move the vicious killers housed there to Thompson, Illinois in order to bring jobs and prosperity to the land of Lincoln?

Truth is Senator Obama would have been among the most vocal in demeaning W. and the Republicans for cavorting with the evil moguls of the capitalist-infested insurance industry.

He would have been joined by the likes of Harry Reid and other left-wing extremists who would have even accused W. and the Republicans of rampant racism on a par with the party’s duplicity in opposing the abolition of slavery 160 years ago.

Which exposes the real motivation behind the Democrat obsession with ObamaCare:

It has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with a 44 percent presidential approval rating and bass-ackwards thinking which holds that ramming an unwanted and unneeded federal bureaucracy down the throats of a dubious public will salvage The One’s failed presidency.

ObamaCare will do no such thing, which is about the only good thing that can be said about this idiotic violation of public trust and common sense.