
Crisis in Egypt and the Official Demise of American Exceptionalism

By John W. Lillpop

Thanks to social networking phenomenon such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as “old school” notions like cable television, hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of people around the world are witnessing first-hand as the Land of Pharaohs is torched by tens of thousands of angry malcontents in Alexandria and Cairo.

On the heels of the revolution which drove Tunisia's aging, autocratic president, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, from power two weeks ago, the crumbling of Egypt before our very eyes is a frightening wake-up call:

Events in the Middle East are officially out-of-control. America’s influence and interests in this vital part of the globe are laden with uncertainty and foreboding danger.

Unfortunately for the world, and particularly the United States, President Barack Obama is uniquely unqualified to intelligently analyze the extremely complex social, religious, economic, and political issues inflaming the Middle East.

Obama's allegedly brilliant mind has never been applied to any problem more substantial than community organizing and wealth distribution.

As a result, the American president is unable to develop a coherent, reasonable strategy.

Meanwhile, the world is looking desperately to America for leadership at this crucial moment. The “Most Powerful Man in the World,” is being counted to calm the frustrations that could very well lead to anarchy and all out revolution in the region.

Sadly, President Obama has exhibited nothing but queasiness and dithering in dealing with Iran, North Korea, Israel, the war on terror and other international issues, as well as a host of domestic issues.

Thus, the world and America must look elsewhere for leadership and confidence in dealing with major issues like the Egypt crisis.

Which prompts the question: Is the crisis in Egypt yet another example of an issue that is beyond the “Pay Grade” of President Obama?