Satire by John W. Lillpop
Most normal Americans would consider it an honor to be flown to Europe, at taxpayer expense, and to be treated like Royalty upon arriving at one's destination in Denmark.
Having talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey along for "chit-chat" would make the trip a once-in-a-lifetime thrill for the average person.
But for First Lady Michelle Obama, going to Copenhagen to sell Chicago as host city for the 2016 Olympics is all about sacrifice--for the children no less.
As reported by the Washington Examiner, in part:
"In her speech in Copenhagen today, First Lady Michelle Obama said her trip to Denmark, along with the travel of her 'dear friend" and "chit-chat buddy' Oprah Winfrey, as well as tomorrow's visit by President Obama, is a 'sacrifice' on behalf of the children of Chicago and the United States. "
Mind you, there was no self-interest, no political grandstanding, and no ulterior motives involved.
Unsullied altruism drove the FLOTUS to confront the world with only Oprah Winfrey and her 240 pounds of overly- active -thyroid blubber to lean on.
Think about it. Oprah may be way cool, but even Winfrey cannot take the place of those 30 handmaidens, the private chefs, the five press secretaries, and untold numbers of czars that cater to Michelle's every whim in the White House.
Leaving all of that behind, even for a couple of days, to travel with an over-the-hill television has been with a weight problem is sacrifice of the highest calling!
There are other disadvantages that may not be immediately apparent to the unwashed.
For one thing, traveling with Oprah can be a drag because she always hogs the free peanuts handed out during those long international flights.
True, it is nice to have some one to drag the luggage around those Olympic sized terminals, but there are times when just a spare peanut or so would be a real treat.
Next, one must deal with all the crazy loons--known as Republicans--in Congress who do nothing but attack, attack, attack.
By what constitutional authority does the president make this costly and partisan journey, they demand? What about Afghanistan, the economy, the war on terror, and so forth?
To which the president has offered the most intelligent and profound answer possible: I won the election. Deal with it!
And so it is that this brave lady of color gives her all, despite the personal pain and suffering that her magnanimous "sacrifice" brings her.
God bless Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Chicago mobsters, and free peanuts on Air Force One!