Satire by John W. Lillpop
Unlike most of my conservative colleagues, I am neither dismayed nor disgusted that President Barack Obama has been honored with the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize.
In my view, Obama won this award for very solid and compelling reasons including:
* He ain't George W. Bush.
* Almost on his own, Obama ended the war on terror.
The fact that he did so by expunging the term from the Pentagon vocabulary is irrelevant. It is the thought that counts.
* Racists in the IOC denied the president the 2016 Olympics for Chicago. This sort of makes up for that bigotry.
* With his world vision and spiritual insights, Obama has seen beyond and through the "America First" mentality of General McChrystal and other right wing war mongers obsessed with winning the war in Afghanistan.
Obama realizes that winning the mid-term elections in 2010 is far more important and morally correct and is prepared to sacrifice Afghanistan, if need be, to hold on to his majorities in Congress.
* Obama was recommended for the Prize by peace activists and world renowned humanitarians Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
* Diversity is the world's greatest strength and Obama is the first "clean and articulate" person of color to receive the Nobel honor.
* He ain't George W. Bush.
Congratulations to our young president!
By the way, the only downside I see is that Obama may be required to produce a valid birth certificate in order to claim his prize!