By John W. Lillpop
If ObamaCare ever actually becomes law, President Obama and Congressional liberals will have created the most divisive and dangeous program in American history.
It will be old versus young, middle-class versus poor, and on and on, as people clamor for health care, ever mindful of how others are faring in the war for rationed care.
An example might be:
Grandma, now in her 72nd year, recently fell and broke a hip. She needs hip replacement surgery to improve her mobility and eliminate the pain. It is a quality of life issue, and because Americans are living longer, the procedure is routine.
Until ObamaCare becomes law, that is.
Grandma has other health issues that do not portend well for her long-term survival. Even with hip surgery, her life expectancy is probably five years at the most.
Still, Grandma is a natural born American citizen who has paid taxes and into social security all of her life. Her expectation, and that of her family, is that the hip replacement is her right.
On the other hand, Juan Petro is a 24-year Old Spanish teacher in New York City who works as a private tutor.
Juan has never been comfortable with his gender and is convinced that he should be Juanita. He knows that modern technology can release him from the chains of his miserable existence as a male, while opening all sorts of opportunities for him/her as a young Latina.
Transgender surgery can undo God's mistake on Juan. However, whereas God works for free, the gods of liberal medicine do not, and their fees are way beyond Juan's modest means.
Oh, and Juan is an illegal alien from Guatemala. He has been in America five years, but has never filed an income tax return and has paid no taxes on his income. Not a nickel.
The war between American citizen and illegal alien thus begins. Which will ObamaCare liberals approve for medical treatment?
Will it be a 72-year old grandma and American citizen whose tax-paying years are about over?
On the other hand, will it be an illegal alien who has never paid taxes and should not even be in the country? (By the way, those facts will never be discovered because ObamaCare prohibits questions concerning immigration status.)
The question is hardly academic. This sort of bureaucratic nonsense is real and could impact your grandmother.
No one knows for sure who will be favored for treatment,but with liberal extremists like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in charge, do not bet against the sexually befuddled illegal alien!