By John W. Lillpop
As an intellectual and sophisticated man of advanced education and refinement, President Obama should know better than to believe press clippings originating with the leftist media.
An experienced political professional should also be able to accept criticism and dissent without unraveling to the point of utter distraction.
After all, we do live a civilized society where the president serves at the pleasure of the people. He is neither deity nor royalty, despite what obedient armies of Obamanites and doting media types tell him.
Criticism and robust opposition come with the gig, Mr. President! Winning the presidency confers unchecked power on no one, regardless of how precocious, handsome and articulate.
Unfortunately, President Obama has bought into the slobbering adoration and hero worship. So much so that he is ultra-sensitive, unable to brook any sort of dissent and criticism.
It is as if he were a five-year old child on his first day of school, startled to learn that there are other boys and girls in kindergarten with whom he is obligated to share milk, cookies, and attention.
That first encounter with the outside world provides a bitter, but necessary, lesson for the "spoiled" child.
Barack Obama is America's "spoiled brat" president, unaccustomed to sharing anything but the wealth of others!
For example, after barely assuming the mantel of presidential power, Obama invited Republican members of Congress to the White House to inaugurate the "post-partisan era," a concept conceived and implemented by The One himself.
Foolishly, Obama struck a sour note by immediately advising conservatives that they should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.
Excuse me? Why would a new president concern himself with the radio listening habits of the opposition party? What sort of monster ego must a president have to think that his views about a talk show host are in any way relevant?
Besides, how often has Obama has actually tuned in to El Rushbo to hear the other side of the story?
Most likely, Obama takes the word of White House lackeys who get paid obscene salaries just for listening and tracking those with the audacity to disagree with The One.
Obama's unhealthy obsession with quashing conservative voices has grown into a heated exchange of verbal warfare between the White House and Glenn Beck, and FOX News in general, said hostilities waged on a daily basis.
With the war in Afghanistan devolving into a quagmire not unlike Viet Nam, the national deficit exploding out of control, unemployment dashing the audacity of hope for millions of Americans, and tyrants in Iran, North Korea, and Russia conspiring to destroy America, just why in the hell is the President of the United States obsessed with what Glenn Beck has to say?
In case you missed it, Mr. President, nearly 60 million Americans voted for your opponent in the last election! Glenn Beck represents the views and concerns of many of those 6o million.
Furthermore, since your administration "owns" CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well as most print media, FOXNEWS is vital to preserving an independent and free press in America.
By the way, that mandate that you claim to be fulfilling is but a faded memory, as only 43 percent of Americans would vote for you were the election held today.
Time to put on a stiff upper lip. As President Harry Truman once declared, "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!"
Still, perhaps the heat of the Oval Office is too intense for a spoiled brat from Chicago where machine guns and the Mafia provide those in power with the means to keep the heat at bay?
A change in venue may be just what the doctor ordered.
If so, may we remind you that the state of Illinois will have a vacancy for U.S. Senator in 2010? You would seem to be a good match for that gig, provided you can sort out that birth certificate mess.
Why not wash Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and FOXNEWS right out of your hair by returning to the Senate where roaring oratory and photogenic looks trump substance and accomplishment every time?