
A Huge Thank You, AND an Apology to Our Beloved Vets!

John W. Lillpop

On the day set aside to recognize and honor the American men and women who have given so much to our nation with their service in the US military, we the people say THANK YOU. Without your sacrifices and those of the brave patriots who preceded you, America would not be blessed with the abundant freedoms and  liberty that make ours the greatest nation on earth.


This greeting would be pathetically incomplete and hypocritical without specific acknowledgement of the disgraceful abuse that many veterans have suffered at the hands of the Veterans Administration.  This abuse has been well- documented during this past year and need not be repeated here.

Suffice it to say, many of the same evil politicians and worthless bureaucrats who worked relentlessly to expand parasitical food stamp, welfare, and abortion programs to the unworthy, failed to live up to their obligations to our most worthy citizens….Veterans of America.

We apologize for that abuse.  Hopefully, corrective measures are in place to meet your needs and assure that similar abuses do not occur in the future.

We the people rebelled against reckless government of the type executed by the VA on November 4, and we were able to fight tyranny and abuse because of your sacrifices and patriotism!

God Bless American Veterans…. not just today, but every day!