
Why Not Celebrate ‘Life Before Birth’?

By John W. Lillpop

When the U.S. Supreme Court sanctioned abortion on demand in 1973, the seven justices who voted in favor became party to a human rights violation of monumental proportions.

55 million human lives have been exterminated through abortion in the United States since the court issued a death warrant for the unborn.

Forty- one years and 55 million lives slaughtered, all in the name of “choice.”

That is nearly seven times the number of Jews who perished at the hands of Adolph Hitler, and more than the number of victims slaughtered by Joseph Stalin.

However, unlike those murdered by Hitler and Stalin, the 55 million fetuses killed in America had no political, social, or religious enemies. Rather, they were innocent human lives waiting to experience the blessings of birth and the joys of life.

Those who believe that abortion should be an inalienable right refuse to accept an indisputable fact: A fetus is human life before birth

That says it all. Call that fetus what you wish, the fact remains that it is human life.

Albeit, the fetus is a life without power, voting rights, free speech or any other protection afforded the born. However, it is a human life, nevertheless.

In addition, human life, in all forms, is a precious gift from God regardless of how inconvenient the pregnancy may be.

Abortion, then, is a deliberate, premeditated destruction of one of God’s precious gifts.

Abortion is a superseding of divine will by mortal will.. Those who do so shall be held accountable at a final, and eternal, judgment.

Which is why, even in cases involving the most despicable subhuman killers, our society affords layer-upon-layer of legal review and appeal before using execution as the ultimate punishment.

Unfortunately, while some fight to the bitter end to save the life of a viscous thug convicted of multiple murders, there is no mercy or fight in them for the unborn--those with life before birth.

May we the people replace the atrocity of abortion on demand with a mindset that celebrates “Life before Birth.”