
Is the “ Post-Obama” Era Nigh, Courtesy of the SCOTUS?

By John W. Lillpop

Chief Justice John Roberts and his right-thinking colleagues on the High Court may soon help deliver America from the tyranny of the “Obama Era” perhaps within the next 30 days or so.

Indeed, with decisions to be rendered on the Constitutionality of ObamaCare and Arizona’s SB 1070 in late June, by rejecting the former and upholding the latter,  the Court can set the stage for jettisoning Barack Obama and his Marxist goons out of power come November 6.

What a delightful 4th of July birthday gift it would be should the Court rule that the federal government does not have the right to force free people to purchase health insurance, or face punitive actions by the IRS for failing to do so.

The Happy 4th of July gift would be even more bountiful should the Court find that Arizona, a sovereign state, is perfectly justified in taking actions to protect its citizens from the social, economic, cultural, and political devastation which ensues when illegal aliens invade our home land in violation of our borders and laws.

The big question: Will actions taken by SCOTUS  begin the “Post-Obama” era in June?