
Solyndra Fiasco Perfect Example of Why Congress Must NOT ‘Pass This Bill Now!’

Whether or not Obama’s bungling of the Solyndra mess involved criminal or unethical behavior is a question that must, and presumably will, be answered as a result of Congressional and internal inquiries which have been launched into the entire mess.

However, one thing seems perfectly clear: This administration lacks the business acumen and judgment needed to invest taxpayer money in a prudent, wise manner.

Indeed, scoring political points and rewarding large campaign donors may have been greater priorities than exercising due diligence.

One remembers that, back in February of 2009, newly-installed President Obama warned Congress that passing his almost one trillion dollar stimulus bill was so urgent that it simply could not wait. Congress was urged to pass the stimulus bill immediately, literally on blind faith alone.

That “Pass this Bill Now!” urgency in 2009 appears to have been a major reason for the overall failure of the stimulus bill, and in particular the disastrous results of the Solyndra loan guarantee.

Congress must not repeat the mistake of caving into another ‘Pass This Bill Now!’ rant from President Obama.

The last thing America needs is to waste even more taxpayer treasure on a progressive fairy tale pushed by a naïve community organizer!

By John W. Lillpop