
Ozone Layer Shoved "Under Bus" by Panicked Obama

By John W. Lillpop

In a stunning, yet only partial, incorporation of common sense into his resume, President Obama shoved the entire ozone layer AND the EPA under his 2012 campaign bus.

As reported at the reference, in part:

Facing fierce resistance from congressional Republicans, industry and some local officials, President Obama abruptly pulled back proposed smog standards Friday that would have compelled states and communities nationwide to reduce local air pollution or face federal penalties.

Key GOP lawmakers including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) had identified the Environmental Protection Agency’s restrictions for ground-level ozone, along with other air pollution regulations they described as “job-destroying,” as targets for a regulatory rollback this fall.

Members of the business community had launched an all-out public relations blitz against the rules, saying that they should be delayed in light of the economic downturn.

Obama’s decision was announced shortly after disheartening employment numbers were released Friday morning. It drew harsh reaction from environmentalists and their allies — including a statement from MoveOn.org questioning why its members should work for the president’s reelection — highlighting the dangers the White House faces as it seeks middle ground among competing interests.

In a statement, Obama praised EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson’s effort to improve the nation’s air quality but said he had asked her to withdraw the draft standards because they were scheduled to be reconsidered two years from now anyway.

“I have continued to underscore the importance of reducing regulatory burdens and regulatory uncertainty, particularly as our economy continues to recover,” Obama said.”

Economy continues to recover, Mr. President?

Time to shove your speech writer under that bus!
