
‘No Games, no Politics, no Delays.' Are You Serious, Mr. President?

By John W. Lillpop

President Barack Obama is sending his so-called jobs bill to the Congress, and each page is stamped with an 85 font size message pleading, ‘No games, no politics, no delays.’


Odd that Obama would use that nomenclature when he is fully aware of the fact that his proposal will likely end up in the trash heap once the damn thing is actually received.

No games?

Not trying to paint Republicans as the ‘bad guys,’ Mr. President? Those despicable characters who would fight for tax breaks for the rich even if it means that poor minority children go to bed hungry at night and fight with rats for any loose food.

As far as the scheduling snafu which caused his speech to be slated for delivery on the exact date of the Republican debate in California—a sheer coincidence only? No games, Mr. President, even though the debate had been scheduled for months?

No politics?

Perhaps Obama was sooooooooo busy crunching numbers and play-acting in his role as the modern-day Robin Hood, that it escaped his notice that there is a presidential election just 13 months away?

Evem more coincidence that the Congressional investigation into White House involvement in the ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal is getting hotter by the hour? There was no desire to distract attention from the fact that a Border Patrol agent is dead, with his blood trail leading back to Eric Holder and even the White House, Mr. President?

No Delay?

This from the guy who revealed to the world that he his new ‘plan’ would break new ground and solve everything, but that 14-26 million underemployed and unemployed Americans would have to wait until he finished vacationing at the posh Martha’s Vineyards, a delay of weeks?

All in all, Obama’s latest spiel is nothing but Games, Politics, and Delays. His fervent hope is that the left-wing media will carry his water on yet another major attempt to defraud the American people!