
Has Pope Benedict Lost His Bloody Mind?

By John W. Lillpop

No doubt Pope Benedict meant well when he offered a possible spiritual solution for preventing the spread of AIDS.

However, by suggesting that the use of condoms by male prostitutes “could be a first step in assuming moral responsibility for stemming the spread of the virus that causes AIDS,” the Pope has befuddled the world—Catholics and non-Catholics alike—as confusion over his remarks runs rampant.

Who would have expected the Pope, of all people, to use the term “moral responsibility” in the same sentence as male prostitute? Is there a more offensive oxymoron?

Other probing questions for His Holiness include the following:

( )Is the pontiff endorsing the behavior of male prostitutes provided condoms are used?

( )Just what makes the Pope knowledgeable about male prostitutes? What makes him expert?

( )What about female prostitutes?

( )Given the fact that AIDS is also contracted as a result of monogamous relations between heterosexuals, why is condom use prohibited in such situations?, and

( )What about the use of condoms by non-prostitute males for birth control and prevention of SDS?

To the later, the Vatican immediately responded, “Definitely not”!

In fact, officials strongly emphasized that the church's position on contraception has not changed one whit.

Which brings us back to the original question: Has the Pope lost his bloody mind??