
Comprehensive “Amnesty” Appears Dead: What Ever Shall We Do?

By John W. Lillpop

Moon bat liberals and Hispanic racists are in a deep dither over the election results because it now appears as though the foolishness know euphemistically as “Comprehensive” Immigration Reform, code for Amnesty for 12-38 million invading criminals, is dead in the water.

That “loud sucking sound” you hear is the noise generated by tens of millions of hands wringing in unison as Democrat politicians and advocates for illegals rue the latest turn of events.

How dare those haughty Americans ignore the contributions of tens of millions of dirt-poor, non-English speaking, illiterate, invaders who cost taxpayers more than $100 billion dollars a year?

All because of flimsy concerns about American national sovereignty, secure borders, homeland security, preservation of American language and culture, voter fraud,and the rule of law?

What to do?, they wail. In Spanish, of course.

Alas, there is a relatively simple solution, although its simplicity may not curry much favor among those who wish to re-make America into a suburb of Tee-Juana!

The Sane Solution: Enforce the bloody law!

Its official title is the “Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986", see Reference 1, and this jewel was put on the books the last time America’s elitists decided that grape pickers and operators of hi-technology leaf-blowers needed relief from those withering American shadows.

IRCA came about as a trade for amnesty granted to 3-4 million invading criminals from Mexico in 1986.

It was supposed to put an end, once and for all, to the illegal invasion of America. That was to be accomplished by enforcement of IRCA, a notion that no administration, neither Democrat nor Republican, has even remotely considered!

It is way past time for American politicians to enforce IRCA in full, including deportation of the 12-38 million foreign illegal aliens who have come here since IRCA was signed into law.

Deporting all those illegals back to Mexico could be a real blessing to Mexico IF President Felipe Calderon would do the smart thing and deputize the lot in the war against drug cartels.

Now THAT would be a wean-wean!