By John W. LillpopOver the past 22 plus months, there has been a quantum leap in the number of really dumb lies that our government has foisted on what they assume to be an unsuspecting public.
30 of the most pathetically stupid include:
( )When confronted with a domestic or international crisis of epic proportions, President Obama does not “dither”; rather, his is the cool, collected demeanor of a gifted intellectual who does his best decision-making while on the golf course, or while plopped on the beach at Waikiki;
( )Covering 30 million heretofore uninsured people with ObamaCare will lower overall health costs and eat away at the federal deficit;
( )Bankrupting the coal industry is a legitimate function of the federal government if it will help protect the environment;
( )Afghanistan is the “right” war.
( ) Conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck are dangerous demagogues who would do well to emulate the objective and non-partisan professionalism of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews;
( )The 2008 elections ushered in an era of liberal dominance that will last 40 years, or longer;
( )Publicly announcing s definite time line for withdrawal of U.S. troops will in no way aid the Taliban or other U.S. enemies in Afghanistan;
( )Barack Obama is uniquely qualified by virtue of intellect, judgment, and temperament to unite America past hundreds of years of bitter racial rancor;
( )Single-party rule of both the Executive and Legislative branches is not a hindrance to honest, open government and has no impact whatsoever on transparency;
( )The Iraq war is among the greatest achievements of the Obama administration;
( )Paying higher taxes is the patriotic thing to do;
( )Thanks to Barack Obama, America is experiencing an era of post-partisanship and post-racism, unprecedented in this nation’s history;
( )The “inherited” Bush depression ended as a result of the Obama-inspired “Summer of Recovery”:
( )The U.S.-Mexico border has never been so secure;
( )Tea Party members are rigid racists, whereas members of the NAACP and La Raza are color-blind patriots who thrive on diversity and tolerance;
( )Mexico is a valued and trustworthy friend of America;
( )Voter fraud exists only among Republican candidates and voters; whereas, public service volunteers like those affiliated with ACORN are vital to protecting the right to vote, without regard to superfluous details like registration, immigration status, criminal background, and other unconstitutional pap designed solely to disenfranchise people of color;
( )Money is the antithesis of Democratic elections, except when an inexperienced, but wealthy, community organizer needs $750 million dollars or so to promote the audacity of hope and untold trillions in unneeded CHANGE:
( )In the rich tradition of conservative leaders, Sarah Palin is a blithering idiot without the native intelligence of a Mama Grizzly, whereas Nancy Pelosi is a brilliant moralist whose spiritual insights into abortion and gay marriage would be of immense value to the Catholic Church, if only Pope Benedict would listen;
( )There are “only” 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S, all of whom are tremendous assets for America’s economy, homeland security, language, and culture;
( )The science on climate change is final and conclusive: Without question, global warming is a man-made phenomenon, regardless of what may be stated in hundreds of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University in the United Kingdom;
( )Hot tea is not an effective antidote to ward off festering liberalism, notwithstanding the results of the November 2 election;
( )Obama-Care Death Panels are urgently needed to help GOD manage the explosion of life-death decisions attendant with the aging of baby boomers;
( )The trillion dollar “stimulus” created or saved 3.5 to 4 million jobs; and last, but not least,
( )Health Care reform is a BFD!