
Tax Payer Money Wasted on Michael Jackson Farewell in Los Angeles

By John W. Lillpop

Los Angeles, like all major cities in America, is under enormous financial pressure because of the steep recession and President Obama's misguided policies which have only turned the recession into a major depression.

Budget deficits have caused the city to layoff teachers and cut back services to citizens, although illegal aliens fare better because many are shielded by Mayor Antonio Villagarrosa, a Mexican national who regards the millions of invading criminals in LA as "family."

With all of its woes and problems, the last thing Los Angeles needs is another huge, unnecessary expense for a crotch-grabbing, drug-addicted freak who cashed in his own chips with a lifestyle that was more stupid than immoral.

As reported, in part, at MSN.com:


"LOS ANGELES - More than 1.6 million fans registered for tickets to Michael Jackson's memorial service over the two-day registration period that ended Saturday.

"Only 11,000 tickets will be given out for the Tuesday service at Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles. Another 6,500 tickets will be given away for the Nokia Theater overflow section next door.

"Fans had to register for free at staplescenter.com between 10 a.m. Friday and 6 p.m. Saturday for the random drawing of 8,750 names. Each person selected will receive two tickets and will be notified by email after 11 a.m. Sunday.

"Last month, donations covered about $850,000 of the city's $1 million cost for the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA championship parade. Critics had blasted the idea of using city money when it is considering layoffs to close its budget gap."

So, is the funeral of an emaciated pedophile more important than a parade for Kobe Bryant and the NBA Championship, an event that brought pride and joy to all Angelenos?

Of course not.

Los Angeles should bill the estate of "The King of Pill Pop" for every dime spent escorting this weirdo out of this earthly dimension!