Satire by John W. Lillpop
President Obama has been likened to Jimmy Carter when it comes to lack of leadership skills and wrong headed liberalism.
Now it appears as though Obama shares another trait with the former president from Georgia: Lust for human female flesh.
Whereas President Carter kept his lust in his heart, America's transparency president expresses his lust out in the open with all the cameras of the world trained on his every move.
As reported, in part, at the link below:
"OH DEAR -- she's young enough to be his daughter.
And 16-year-old Mayara Tavares will no doubt be a little bemused about how she managed to grab the attention of Barack Obama at the G8 summit in Italy.
"But it looks like the world's most powerful man will have a little explaining to do when wife Michelle sees the picture that is raising chuckles -- and eyebrows -- around the world.
"There's no doubt Brazilian Mayara certainly grabbed the attention of the world, and world leaders at the official photo session in L'Aquila, Italy.
The teenager is from the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro and volunteers as a community researcher in the shanty towns."
"Through this work she became part of a Unicef-backed National Platform for the improvement of poor communities in large urban centres."
Aha, a community researcher concerned with helping others, especially the poor!
That fact will be used by Team Obama as the real reason for the Messiah's interest in the young and shapely Mayara.
The Spin: As a former community organizer, Obama is always on the look for talented people whom are committed to helping others in community activist roles.
It is sheer coincidence that Mayara is a drop dead gorgeous, sixteen-year-old with a world class posterior.
The real question, Team Obama will contend, is whether Mayara can give up the good life in Rio de Janeiro in exchange for an opportunity to serve Barack Obama and the world as an intern in the White House?
In that regard, President Obama was just making sure that Oval Office furniture would be good enough for Ms. Tavares before making her an offer.
All of this in the name of transparency and openness you understand!