
Time to Unite Behind Romney--& Focus on Defeating Obama!

By John W. Lillpop

2011 will be remembered as the year in which Republican candidates willfully violated Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment by pummeling fellow Republicans in a vicious (and ill-advised)war of public mudslinging and negative ads.

Fueling the melee were an endless series of so-called “debates” which provided voters with intellectual insights normally gleaned from mud- wrestling bouts or fantasy-island television.

All very entertaining for a short while, but hardly the source one would turn to in deciding whom to elect as the most powerful person on the planet.

The only obvious beneficiaries of the GOP suicide circles are Democrat operatives who will produce ads to promote the re-election of Barack Obama, and who will find a treasure cove of anti-whomever materials in Republican-versus- Republican attack ads.

While Republican candidates are spending tens of millions of dollars to discredit fellow Republicans, Barack Obama spends $4 million of taxpayer money for rest and recreation on the sandy beaches and splendid golf courses of Hawaii. And gets away with it!

Enough is enough, already!

I, for one, am fed up with the denigration of conservatives by other conservatives. Face it, patriots, Republicans have looked like clowns and worse over the past 12 months.

Time to coalesce around a strong, viable candidate with the credentials and talent to send Obama to the ranks of the unemployed on January 20, 2013.

By now it is abundantly clear that the Republican’s best hope
to end the Marxist occupation of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
and the House and Senate is to designate Mitt Romney as
our standard barrier.

Romney is an eloquent, squeaky clean, nominally
conservative, all-American who could easily be the
poster child for traditional family values.

He is an excellent debater and intellectual who will stand
toe-to-toe against Obama, the slippery Marxist who thrives
on media malfeasance and inattention.

Romney even looks more “presidential” than Obama, an
important consideration in our image-crazed society.

Is Romney the “perfect” candidate?

Hell no! I wish his stance on illegal aliens was more in line
with that of Tom Tancredo and other patriots.

His waffling on abortion and gay marriage are distressing;
however, in the end, Mitt Romney will be good for America.

His business credentials and commitment to free-market
capitalism are impeccable!

Imagine a president who would seek to empower
entrepreneurs, rather than using federal bureaucracies like
the EPA to bankrupt an entire industry with no regard for the
impact on jobs and the economy.

Time to unite behind a man who shares most of our values
and whom can bring America’s foolish experiment with
Marxism to an end.

Uniting behind Romney will also benefit GOP candidates for
the House and US Senate seeking to unseat Marxists who
support Obama!