
"Merry Christmas!" and Other Abusive Hate Speech!

By John W. Lillpop

I am not, and never have been, a flame-throwing anarchist who says and does things only to irritate good people. Political correctness is damnable, in my judgment; yet, for the most part I avoid gaudy displays of defiance and rowdiness.

Nonetheless, it seems fitting at this time of year to “Cast My Fate to the Wind,” and speak unabashed about that which I believe, without undue regard to violating some idiotic PC etiquette.

As they used to say “Let it All Hang Out!”

Thus, and therefore, acting against the counsel of my psychiatric team, I hereby plunge headfirst into the world of anarchy.

I do so by exclaiming the following greeting from the top of my keyboard:


And, no, I did NOT forget Kwanzaa, Hanukah, or Ramadan.

And I most assuredly did NOT mean Happy Holidays, that neutered, politically correct double talk that has gained favor with so many ACLU-bullied wussies.

I said exactly what I meant, without apologies or hesitation. I said it, and already I hear the manic screams of sirens outside my padded cell.

What to do?

The only thing a sane person would do. Repeat the “sounding joy” and again say:


And so it is.