
An Open Letter to Santa

By John W. Lillpop

Dear Santa:

My two front teeth are doing quite well, thank you.

What I really want for Christmas over the next 12 months:

*A new President, eligible for office by virtue of birth, passion for the U.S. Constitution, and love for traditional American values. He or she must demonstrate unquestionable respect for and allegiance to the Rule of law, and be a pro-American patriot, even fanatical!

* Sizeable conservative majorities in both chambers of Congress

* Supreme Court ruling to end ObamaCare and its death panels, funding for abortions, coverage for illegal aliens, and devastating impact on the deficit.

* Supreme Court ruling that upholds the rights of Arizona and other states to thwart and reverse the invasion of our sovereign nation by illegal invaders from foreign nations.

*No new programs for stimulus or bail out waste and fraud

*Honest “jobs created and saved” numbers from the White House

* Less sympathy for those who are in homes they are not qualified to own, and more sympathy for middle class taxpayers who always end up paying the bill

*Dismantling of the global warming myth that has produced the greatest scientific hoax in history

Oh, and by the way Santa, I have been especially nice this year!