
W.'s Recession Goes Missing!

Satire by John W. Lillpop

In a critical election year such as 2010, the president in power and his party would normally be elated to learn that the nation’s economy has escaped the clutches of recession during their watch.

However, in this post-partisan era, Barack Obama and fellow Democrats are barely chortling at all after learning that the great W. recession actually ended in 2009! See reference.

What on earth is preventing Obama Marxists from dancing in the streets to celebrate the fact that, according to The National Bureau of Economic Research, the recession that began in December 2007 ended in June 2009?

To begin with, the news means that President George W. Bush did a great job planting the seeds for recovery before he left office on January 20, 2009.

It also means that the much ballyhooed “Recovery Summer” took place just five months after Bush left the White House, not in the summer of 2010 as Obama and Biden have bleated.

It also means that Obama’s trillion dollar “stimulus” did nothing but inflate the national debt by a trill, and was entirely unnecessary.

Further, logic dictates that if Obama’s original “stimulus” was unneeded, so, too, are his subsequent raids of the U.S. Treasury in the name of “saving” the economy!

That includes his latest $50 billion emergency request.

Above all else, Obama’s childish game of “Blame Bush” suffers a major credibility hit if, in fact, Obama inherited an economy that was well on its way to self-healing, sans the ruinous stimulus scandals and wasteful spending of zany Marxists.

Of course, the end of the recovery cannot mask the fact that unemployment is near 10 percent, foreclosures and bankruptcies are soaring, and that the American people overwhelmingly believe that the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

How to explain those unpleasant realities, Mr. President?

Say what? All of that was "inherited" from W.?


Reference http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2010/09/20/nber-recession-ended-in-june-2009/