
Aging Gas Pipes: Another Crisis Not to Be Wasted?

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama and his Marxist cohorts in Congress are known to be skilled parasites when it comes to making political hay out of the misery and suffering of others.

A favorite party theme is to “let no crisis go unexploited!”

And with Barack Obama clawing like a caged animal to hold on to his dwindling political influence with mid-term elections just 50 days hence, one cannot help but wonder if the president is privately celebrating the gas pipeline crisis that struck in San Bruno, California last week?

As reported at Yahoonews.com, in part:

“SAN BRUNO, Calif. – An ominous theme has emerged from the wreckage of a deadly pipeline explosion in California: There are thousands of pipes just like it nationwide.

Utilities have been under pressure for years to better inspect and replace aging gas pipes — many of them laid years before the suburbs expanded over them and now at risk of leaking or erupting.

But the effort has fallen short. Critics say the regulatory system is ripe for problems because the government largely leaves it up to the companies to do inspections, and utilities are reluctant to spend the money necessary to properly fix and replace decrepit pipelines.

‘If this was the FAA and air travel we were talking about, I wouldn't get on a plane,’ said Rick Kessler, a former congressional staffer specializing in pipeline safety issues who now works for the Pipeline Safety Trust, an advocacy group based in Bellingham, Wash.”

Thousands of decrepit, dangerous pipelines throughout the nation, eh?

Combine that with the fact that Obama is desperately in search of an “infrastructure” crisis that he can use to justify pumping at least another $50 billion into so as to “stimulate” the Obamanomics economy, which has not yet recovered from the 2009 Obama trillion-dollar mistake, and you have the perfect set-up for another Marxist body blow to the American economy.

Are aging pipes filled with hot gas a legitimate, major concern?

Yes, of course.

However, the hot gas bags that represent the greatest threat to America are named Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and all of the other reckless rascals with a D next to their name.

Bottom Line: Let’s get rid of the incompetent gas bags in Washington, D.C. and elect people with the common sense needed to fix America’s infrastructure!