
Devout Muslims: Why Not Leave Desecration of Koran in Allah's Hands?

By John W. Lillpop

Happy September 11 greetings to moderate Muslims all over the world. Please understand that Americans are still in grief and mourning over the devastating attack that incinerated 3,000 innocent Americans back on this day in 2001.

We know and appreciate the fact that the Koran is Holy Scripture to people of the Muslim faith. We also understand that the Koran is seen as the very word of God—Allah—and as such, is to be revered and respected.

Again because of the emotion associated with 9/11/01, there have been Americans who have threatened to burn the Koran. We understand how that would distress and anger devout Muslims.

However, given the fact that Allah is Omnipotent and all powerful, why not leave any retribution of retaliation in His capable hands?

After all, the Koran is His.