
Gays, Illegals But Pawns in Left's Evil Game of Political Chess

By John W. Lillpop

To naïve gays and illegal aliens, the defeat of Harry Reid’s ploy to attach amnesty and repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to the Defense Appropriations bill is a bitter pill to swallow. The more seriously naïve may even feel sorry for the beleaguered Reid, who is on the cusp of being ordered to get the hell out of Washington D.C. by the good people of Nevada.

Rest assured that Harry Reid deserves zero sympathy or thanks for his gallant efforts to subvert the will of the people!

Rest assured also that, behind closed doors, Reid is quietly celebrating the defeats and is accepting props from other leftist maniacs who share his cynical duping of people.

In Harry Reid’s pathetic world, the votes earn a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner, not unlike the one that W. unfurled in 2003 when it appeared as though Iraq was a done deal.

Reid’s banner is to hail the achievement of his REAL objective: Force Republicans to vote against gays and illegal aliens in a profound manner just before the elections.

And you thought Reid’s objective was to advocate on behalf of needy gays and illegals?

Don’t be silly!

Reid is using gays and illegal aliens as pawns in his futile effort to preserve his seat in the Senate and Democrats’ majority in that body!

Reid will fail on both counts and, deservedly so, because his evil exploitation of people for personal political purposes is vile and un-American!