By John W. Lillpop
Most people who read* are reasonable, intelligent, and patriotic Americans who are simply fed up with the abuses that this nation is experiencing at the hands of the Mexican government.
There are, however, exceptions. Some people actually believe that portions of America still belong to Mexico.
One such reader, named Roberto, seemed completely unhinged by my masterful and factual article about the “Appalling Stupidity of Mexican Leaders.”
Said Roberto, in part:
“What kind of retarded can write an article like this?
Hmm. Clearly, Roberto needs remedial geography just to understand which nation he lives in.
For the benefit of Roberto and other deluded folks operating under the foolish notion that Mexico owns rights to any American state, the map below says it all!
Comprehende, Roberto?
TEXAS, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, and NEW MEXICO—Not Yours! Never will be.
End of story!
A fellow named Franco was even less civil than Roberto with this potty-mouthed comment, in part:
Republicans - You all f…ing bustards… if we are to talk about illegal aliens let’s talk about all illegal aliens and not just from south of the border people - but from allover like Canada, England, Holland, Germany, Iran etc. etc. -
Excellent point, Franco! I’m all for deporting every last damn illegal from England, Holland, Germany, Iran as soon as possible.
That would be what, about 29 total? Even goofy Janet Napolitano should be able to handle that!
By the way Franco, you can call me a f…ing bastard all you like, but calling me “Republican” is way over the top, and may result inlegal action!
Another upset reader, named Steve, chimed in with this dilly:
It never fails to amaze me how idiotic and ignorant these conservatives are. You have no solid reasons nor the respect or authority to express your opinions and expect people accept your childish "rant."
Two points: First, Steve thanks for calling me conservative, rather than Republican. You get it, son!
Secondly, if the polls are even close to being right, you had better brace yourself for a conservative take over of government on November 2.
What to Do? Why not move to Mexico, but change your name to Jose or Juan, because the government of Mexico keeps very close tabs on people with Anglican handles like Steve!
Sad to say, but For Some, Truth really No Es Bueno!
* Link: