
Has Obama Forgotten About That Nobel Peace Prize in His Trophy Case?

By John W. Lillpop

America’s Nobel Peace Prize winner and Ditherer-in-chief has apparently forsaken the naive notion that diplomacy and talk can trump armed troops when it comes to foreign entanglements in Muslim waste lands.

At least that is what White House officials are leaking to the media. According to those leaks, President Obama plans to send another 34,000 American troops to Afghanistan in what insiders are calling the “good” surge.

The “bad” surge, it will be remembered, came when W. refused to heed Harry Reid’s “the war is lost” warning and instead sent enough troops to Iraq to win the damn war there.

By contrast, Obama has been stalling on Afghanistan for months, his deliberations made all the more complex by that idiotic and fraudulent Nobel Peace Prize awarded to his undeserving self.

With the Democrat party already in the final stages of divorce over health care reform, Obama’s surge plans will surely push this party of butts over the edge and into open war fare among themselves.

Unable to blame W. for this surge, Obama may soon be forced to taste approval ratings even lower than those of W., at least among liberal, anti-war moon bats.

And how will President Obama pay for this “good” surge?

Cut another 500 billion from Medicare? Raise the Social Security retirement age to 70?

Why not tax abortions? Levy a $5,000 death tax on each aborted fetus and you could end up with more than enough cash to slaughter a few cantankerous Taliban in Afghanistan!

If worse comes to worse, perhaps Obama can ring up Russia’s Michael Gorbachev for help in developing an exit strategy?