
Santorum Porn Hysteria Belies “Small Government” Claim

By John W. Lillpop

J.J. Jackson wrote a piece recently about Rick Santorum and his hysteria about pornography.

With all due respect to Santorum and his presidential candidacy, the notion that government needs to involve itself with pornography is more akin to big government thinking than anything Obama and his Marxist monks have advanced in three years of occupying Washington.

Our nation faces withering challenges to our economic prosperity, military superiority, educational standards, and preservation of constitutional law and democratic standards.

Battling on behalf of those principles should be the greatest priority for our elected officials . Concerning themselves with a benign form of entertainment which may offend some, but arguably harms none, would be a fool’s mission unworthy of a nickel of taxpayer money.

Pornography has been adjudicated through the highest courts in the land and has been found to be legitimate form of speech, worthy of protection, rather than assault, by over zealous government loons.

Using pornography as a form of entertainment is a highly personal choice. Santorum chooses not to participate and that is fine.

However, others see the issue differently.

People like Santorum who claim to be in favor of less intrusive and smaller government need to maintain those standards, especially when it comes to respecting the rights of those have beliefs different from their own.