By John W. Lillpop
San Francisco is a city governed by arrogant and foolish "progressives" who delight in pursuing policies that defy common sense while trashing the best interests of citizen taxpayers.
Adding insult to injury, city leaders brazenly refer to such policies in glowing terms like "Proud tradition."
That is the term used to describe San Francisco's deliberate violation of federal law when to comes to shielding illegal aliens, especially juveniles convicted of serious felonies.
Under five months ago, San Francisco law enforcement refused to cooperate with the federal government by turning illegal aliens over to the care of Uncle Sam. Instead, San Francisco taxpayers paid $2.3 million dollars (since 2005) to house criminals who actually belonged in federal retention centers.
Adding stupidity to arrogance, city bosses spend another $40,000 to fly illegal alien felons home when the thugs should have been removed from polite society by placing a free call to federal authorities.
San Francisco's "Proud Tradition" backfired last June as described in the following report from Spero News***:
"It was a Sunday afternoon last June and Anthony Bologna and his sons Michael and Matthew were almost home from their family picnic. Anthony, driving the family car, briefly blocked another car from completing a left turn down a narrow San Francisco street. Angered by this momentary delay in his trip, according to police reports, Edwin Ramos got out of the car and opened fire on the Bologna’s car with an AK-47, shooting all three men. Tony Bologna, 48, and his son Michael, 20, died at the scene, and Matthew, 16, died a few days later in the hospital.
"Now charged with three murders, the 21 year-old Ramos was previously found guilty of two felonies as a juvenile: attempting to rob a pregnant woman, and as part of a gang-related assault on a city bus passenger. By all accounts, Ramos is a vicious animal who has no business being in the United States, and no business being in San Francisco."
Just how much "Pride" can one take in a policy that shields a convicted felon from justice so that he can murder three innocent citizens in cold blood?
There are other victims of this town's goofy politics.
Although not nearly as serious as the Edwin Ramos murder spree, 400 city employees are about to lose their jobs just in time for Christmas. The firings are the result of a huge budget deficit.
It would be illogical and incorrect to blame the deficit entirely on the manner by which illegal aliens have been mishandled by Mayor Gavin Newsom and his misguided associates.
Nonetheless, city workers forced to join the ranks of the unemployed during the most severe economic downturn in 80 years are completely justified in asking the following question:
How many American citizens are being dumped on the streets of San Francisco just before Christmas because "progressive" politicians foolishly chose to pamper illegal alien felons at
taxpayer expense?