By John W. Lillpop
In the first election since Barack Obama was swept into office on November 4, the good people of Georgia gave a huge THUMBS DOWN to the notion of a super-majority by Democrats in the United States Senate.
With 89 percent of the vote counted, Republican Saxby Chambliss was winning over Democrat Jim Martin by a margin of 58 to 42 percent in the special runoff necessitated by the failure of any candidate to garner at least 50 percent of the vote on November 4.
Chambliss was projected to be the winner less than two hours after the polls closed in Georgia. His win guarantees that the Democrats will not hold 60 seats in the new Congress; thereby denying the party the coveted "filibuster proof" majority.
Key facts in the election were appearances by Governor Sarah Palin on Chambliss' behalf and a repudiation of Obama policies even before the President-elect was officially sworn in.
Republicans were delighted with the results and pointed to Chambliss' conservative record on issues like illegal immigration and taxes as the reason for his huge win.
In the larger picture, the Chambliss victory signals a rebirth of the conservative revolution and public disdain for Marxism.
God Bless Saxby Chambliss, the state of Georgia, and America!