
Whither NOW’s Concern for Abused Sister Meg Whitman?

By John W. Lillpop

Group hysteria is the usual response from the National Organization for Women (NOW) when defending a fellow sister against discrimination and abuse, real or imagined.

Tough, nut-cutting retribution is always the answer.

Except, that is, when the abuser is a Democrat “champion of women’s rights” like Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy, in which case the abused sister is just out of luck.

The other exception is when the abused sister has the audacity to be a Republican. Double out of luck, girl!

Pity, then, poor Meg Whitman, a Republican, who was called a “whore” by ultra-leftist Jerry Brown, or a member of his staff, or his wife.

Given the deafening silence from the NOW crowd in protesting this verbal abuse of sister Whitman, the pressing question of the day must be: Is there a more blatant “whore” than the scalawags of NOW?