
Another Round of “Moonbeam” for Hapless California?

By John W. Lillpop

As if California is not in enough trouble already, the future looks even darker when one considers that Jerry Brown could actually end up as governor—again!

California has put up with the antics of this 72-year-old Marxist- hippie for the worse part of the last 40 years.

No public figure has a resume with a greater legacy of failure than Brown, although the current occupant of the White House is getting awfully close.

Brown carries the nickname “Moon Beam” for a good reason: He is obsessed with whacky, out-of- the- norm ideas and notions, which are perfectly fine for a Jesuit Priest, a calling that Brown once heeded, but an unmitigated disaster for one elected to run the most populous state in America with intelligence and wisdom.

During his tenure as governor, Brown worked to pound the notion of “Lowered Expectations” into the heads of Californians. Like Barack Obama, Brown finds the concept of American exceptionalism to be fraudulent.

Brown’s legacy of failure includes his “service” as mayor of Oakland. In this gig, Brown managed to make a very violent and crime-prone city even worse!

Brown’s opponent for governor of California, Meg Whitman, is not nearly conservative enough, and her pandering to illegal aliens is nothing short of a scandal.

Even so, Meg Whitman is light years ahead of the moon beam that wants to complete the job of destroying California.

Let’s retire this worn out old souse and replace him with a proven winner who has known only success in her career!